Wednesday, December 2, 2015

NASA Confirms Massive Kazakhstan Geoglyphs

"In 2007, Dmitriy Dey, a Kazakh economist and archaeology enthusiast, was poking around on Google Earth when he found something strange: an enormous geometric pattern extending over 900 square feet across the ground in Kazakhstan. His interest piqued, Dey would spend the next year discovering 260 more of these mysterious formations, made up of squares, crosses, lines, and rings carved into the earth or constructed with mounds of dirt. But to this day, it's unclear exactly what the figures are and why they were constructed. Now, NASA has released satellite photographs of some of the figures open to the public, signaling the beginnings of their involvement into the investigation..."  (More...)

Monday, November 9, 2015

This amazing nautical "View from Above" solves a mystery that is over 150 years old!

The HMS Erebus was lost and all of its crew members perished when the ship became entrapped in the polar ice in 1846.  A recent expedition that melted a hole in the polar ice and sent remotely operated vehicles down to the suspected wreck not only returned amazing photographs, but brought artifacts back up to the surface, solving a 150+ year old mystery of what happened to the HMS Erebus, and where her final resting place could be found.  Read more about this amazing discovery here: