Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Harney Basin Glyphs, Southeast Oregon

(Click photo to enlarge)

42°33'44.44"N 119°32'35.08"W

These geoglyphs can be found west of Flook Lake, southeast Oregon, in the Harney Basin. The glyphs on the right seem to be a series of five nested concentric rings, with the largest being close to 1000 feet in diameter. There are a multitude of other glyphs nearby, though it's difficult to determine what they are supposed to represent. It's possible the glyphs were formed using the alkali salts readily available from the dry playa lake bed, in much the same way as the chalk geoglyphs of the british isles.


  1. Two of the glyphs look like an owl - there's a v between the two spirals that connects them and looks like a beak. Also the remains of vertical slanted lines over each eye looks like an eyebrow of a great horned owl that's common in the area. Not sure how alkali could form such perfect circles

  2. Nazca lines? They certainly seem large enough to qualify. The thing about these, most ppl do not realize the scope of what they are looking at.

  3. I have some pics of the same guy and bird in Nevada. The eye of the bird and inner circle of the man are on separate hill tops. Very huge.
